Casual leave which we also call CASUAL LEAVE (CL). It is available only for 15 days in a year, this leave can be taken at any time and no written order is required for it, meaning this leave is given according to the need, like if you have very urgent work, then you can go on leave by telling your officer.
This is not the case with Earned Leave, in that you cannot leave your camp unless you are given an order in writing or a LEAVE PASS, but with this you can leave on Sunday, or any gazetted holiday.
Earned leave is made when you do duty means when you do duty then only your earned leave will start and it becomes 30 days in 6 months i.e. 60 days in a year, it is also called EARNED LEAVE (EL) in English. You can take earned leave whenever you need i
Only male employees get this leave in CRPF. We also call it PL, its full form is Paternity Leave, meaning when the employee’s wife becomes pregnant, you can take paternity leave anytime between 15 days before the delivery of the child and 06 months after the delivery. This leave is available for 15 days and can be taken for a maximum of 02 children. In future it can be increased from 15 days to 03 months.
This leave is also available only to women employees. Women employees can take this leave only for 730 days during the entire job. This leave is given for the care of the child. You cannot take this leave for more than 180 days at a time in a year, only 730 days are available during the entire job. You can take this leave till your child is 18 years old. You will continue to get full salary even during this holiday. You do not need to come to office during this holiday, stay at home comfortably.
When the child dies in the womb of the woman or the child is not able to be born due to any other reason or the woman has to undergo abortion, then that woman can take 45 days leave in such a case and during this time she will continue to get full salary.
all the women who are recruited in CRPF are given special leave, whose name is ML, its full form is Maternity Leave, which means when a woman becomes pregnant, she can take maternity leave, in which she gets 180 days leave, that is, the woman can stay comfortably at home and get 180 days leave till the delivery of the child.
During this leave, the woman gets full salary, whether she works in the office or not, however, when the leave is granted, then there is no need to work, but this
you can take this leave for your further studies, it can be taken for 02 years. There are two conditions in this, if you want to study abroad, you can do it, but if the study you are going to study abroad, you will get permission only when the facility for that study is not available in India and the second condition is that you want to study in India only, then you can do it, but for this you will not get study allowance which is available for studying abroad.
Its permission is given only when you want to do any such studies which will be beneficial for the government or you show something which shows that you want to do further studies by staying in CRPF to advance yourself so that you can make CRPF even better. It is available for two years and during this time you will continue to get full salary.
you get this leave when you become sick, in such a situation you have to appear in CRPF Medical Hospital and from there you get medical leave, there is no limit, it depends on your illness. During this, you will continue to get full salary.