Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles

PM Scholarship 2023 – The Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme (PMSS), run by the Welfare and Rehabilitation Board,  Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. It is a scholarship scheme that aims at encouraging higher professional and technical education for the dependent wards and widows of Central Armed Police Forces & Assam Rifles (CAPFs & AR) and State Police Personnel.

PM scholarship scheme was initiated in the year 2006-07 by Government of India. This scheme has helped numerous students to pursue their academic career dream with ease.

This article consist of the benefits, eligibility conditions, documents required, and application process for the PM scholarship scheme.

Name of Scheme PM Scholarship Scheme 
ProviderWelfare and Rehabilitation Board,  Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
Official Website
Eligibility Dependent ward/widow of deceased CAPFs & AR/Ex-CAPFs & AR/retired and serving CAPFs & AR/State Police Personnel
AwardsINR 36,000 annually for girl child 
INR 30,000 annually for boy child
Application Timeline Yet to be announced 
Application Mode Online

PM Scholarship – Key Eligibility

Who are the candidates eligible for the PM scholarship? What are the key eligibility conditions that one needs to follow to get this scholarship? Which are the courses for which the scholarship is applicable? The answers to all these questions are covered in this section. The key eligibility conditions that candidates need to fulfil for this scholarship include –

  • Being a dependent ward/widow of deceased CAPFs & AR/ Ex-CAPFs & AR/ retired and serving CAPFs & AR/ State Police Personnel
  • Pursuing professional courses mentioned in the list below. (Note: Not applicable for lateral entry and integrated courses)
  • Having the minimum education qualification to apply for these courses should be class 12/ diploma/ graduation
  • Obtaining at least 60% marks or above in the minimum educational qualification. (Note: For renewal in subsequent years, the applicants need to obtain at least 50% marks in the qualifying examination)

Note: As per the decision made by the Government of India last year, the scholarship scheme will also cover the wards of State Police officials who are/were martyred during Naxal/terror attacks. A total of 500 scholarships in a year will be given to the wards of State Police officials.

PM Scholarship – List of All Eligible Courses

Students can check the list of all the eligible technical/professional courses for PM scholarship.

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S.No.Course Name & Duration
1.BTech (4 years)
2.BE (4 years)
3.BArch (4 to 5 years)

Medical Courses

S.No.Course Name & Duration
1.MBBS (4.5 years)
2.BDS (5 years)
3.BAMS (4.5 years)
4.BHMS (4.5 years)
5.BSMS (4.5 years)
6.BUMS (5 years)
7.BSc, BPT (4 years)
8.BSc MLT (Medical Lab Technology) (4 years)
9.BVSc & AH (5 years)
10.B.Pharma. (4 years)
11.BSc Nursing (4 years)
12.BNYS (5 years)
13.Doctor of Pharmacy (4 years)
14.BSc Optometry (3 years)
15.Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (4.5 years)

Management Courses

S.No.Course Name & Duration
1.MBA (2 years)
2.BBA (3 years)
3.BBM (3 years)
4.BCA (3 years)
5.MCA (3 years)
6.BPlan (4 years)

Other Professional Courses

S.No.Course Name & Duration
1.BSc Agriculture (4 years)
2.BFSc/B.Fisheries (4 years)
3.BSc Horticulture (4 years)
4.Coy Secretary (4 years)
5.BSc Bio-Tech (3 years)
6.B.Ed. (1 year)
7.BMC (3 years)
8.Hotel Management Degree (4 years)
9.BPEd (1 year)
10.BASLP (4 years)
11.BFT (3 years)
12.BSc Microbiology (3 years)
13.BSc HHA (3 years)
14.LLB (2 to 3 years)
15.Bachelor of Elementary Education (3 to 5 years)
16.BFA (4 years)
17.BFD (3 years)
18.BA LLB (5 years)

PM Scholarship – Rewards

How much scholarship amount will a candidate receive under the Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme? How many numbers of scholarships are disbursed every year? Is there any reservation for girls?

While a total of 2,000 eligible candidates get benefits under this scheme every year, the number of girls receiving this scholarship is equal to the number of boys receiving this scholarship. However, the amount of scholarship given to girls is INR 3,000 per month and the amount of scholarship given to boys is INR 2,500 per month, paid annually. Furthermore, the duration of the scholarship may vary from one year to five years depending on the course duration. Adding to this, 500 more scholarships (250 for boys and 250 for girls) will be given to the wards of the State Police Personnel who are martyred during Naxal/Terror attacks from 2019-20 onwards

PM Scholarship – Documents Required

Once candidates are aware of the step-by-step application process, they must be further willing to know about the necessary documents that they need to submit to apply for the Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme. Since the applications are accepted online, it is advised to the applicants that they prepare scanned copies of all the supporting documents before starting the application. Here is the list of all supporting documents that they must provide during the PM scholarship application –

  • Serving Certificate (in case of serving personnel) issued by HOO
  • Certificate issued by the concerned state government indicating that the State Police personnel was killed in Naxal /Terror attacks
  • Certificate of Minimum Educational Qualification (MEQ) as applicable – Class 12th mark sheet, Graduation mark sheet (for all years) or diploma mark sheets (for all semesters)
  • PPO/Discharge Certificate/Book (Mandatory for Category A to F)
  • Death Certificate (Applicable for deceased personnel)
  • Disability Certificate (Applicable for disabled personnel)
  • Certificate of Gallantry Award (Applicable for Gallantry Award winners)
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PM Scholarship – Selection Criteria

The end-to-end implementation and disbursement of the scheme is taken care of by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the preference is given to students in the following order –

Category A: The first preference is given to the wards and widows of CAPFs & AR personnel who were killed in action.

Category B: The second preference is given to the wards of Ex-CAPFs & AR personnel who got disabled in action.

Category C: The third preference is given to the wards and widows of deceased CAPFs & AR personnel who died during their service for causes attributable to Government service.

Category D: The next preference is given to the wards of Ex-CAPFs & AR personnel who got disabled during their service with disability attributable to Government service.

Category E: Further, the preference is given to the wards of Ex-CAPFs & AR personnel who have received gallantry awards.

Category F: The next preference is given to the wards of Ex-CAPFs & AR personnel (PBOR only).

Category G: Lastly, the preference will be given to the wards of serving CAPFs & AR personnel (PBOR) subject to the availability of the scholarship.

Note: The dependents wards of State Police Personnel who died during Naxal/Terror attacks will also be given preference.

PM Scholarship – Application Process

What are the steps to be followed to apply for the PM scholarship? Can a student apply for the scholarship offline? No, the applications for PM scholarship is made online only. For the academic year 2019-20, the application will be made through the National Scholarship Portal. Here is the step-by-step guide for the candidates to apply for the scholarship –

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Step 1: Registering on NSP

  • Visit the official website of NSP:
  • Click on “New Registration”.
  • Go through the application guidelines carefully.
  • Continue to proceed.
  • Fill in all required details.
  • Click on “Register.”

Step 2: Complete the application

  • Log in to the portal using the application id and password received on the registered mobile number.
  • An OTP will be generated on the registered mobile number for successful login.
  • Verify the OTP and change the password.
  • Once logged in, fill in the scholarship application form.
  • Upload the scanned copy of all supporting documents.
  • Finally, submit the application.

PM Scholarship – Renewal

Is there a need for the renewal of scholarship? If yes, then how can a candidate apply for the renewal? While the selected scholars will get the first instalment of the PM scholarship immediately after the merit list is announced, the subsequent payments are made only if the students apply for the renewal after the completion of each academic year. Just like the fresh application, a candidate can also apply for the renewal online. However, to be eligible for the renewal application, it is mandatory for them to fulfil certain conditions that include –

  • Obtaining at least 50% marks in each semester or academic year
  • Passing in all subjects in each year/semester in one attempt

PM Scholarship – Contact Details

In case, candidates have any queries related to the PM scholarship, its eligibility, award details, selection criteria, application process and more, they can directly contact the Welfare and Rehabilitation Board (WARB) on the below-mentioned contact details.

Phone number – 011-23063111

Email –

PM Scholarship – FAQs

Are there still some questions that have not been answered yet? If yes, then this section covers almost every important question related to the Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme. Here is a compilation of some frequently asked questions about the scheme that candidates must not miss. Furthermore, if they are left with more queries, they can contact the scholarship provider on their respective contact details.

Can a student apply offline for the PM scholarship?

No, only online applications are accepted for PM scholarship through the official website of KSB (Kendriya Sainik Board).

If a student is studying in the 2nd year of professional course, can he/she apply for the Prime Minister Scholarship?

No, the student in the first year of professional courses only can apply for the scholarship, except for the lateral entries and integrated courses.

Is the PM scholarship applicable for diploma courses?

No, the prime minister scholarship scheme is not applicable for diploma courses. It only covers professional degree courses that are recognised by a central regulatory body like AICTE, UGC, MCI, etc.

Is the scholarship open for PG courses?

No, only MCA and Management (MBA) courses are eligible under this scheme.

Can a student use PM scholarship to study abroad?

No, the scholarship is paid to carry out studies in India only.

Can a PMSS scholar apply for the same scholarship again?

No, a student can avail the scholarship only for one course.

What are the criteria to be fulfilled to get the scholarship for the subsequent years?

The students have to secure a minimum of 50% marks in each academic year/semester to the scholarship for subsequent years failing which the scholarship will be closed for them.

Is the scholarship available for civilians or wards of Para-military personnel/central armed forced police?

No, the scholarship is only applicable to the wards and widows of Ex-servicemen who have served the Coastguards, Air Force, Army or Navy.

What are the documents required to apply for PM Scholarship?

While applying for the PM Scholarship, the students need to support their application with the documents like academic certificates, bank account details, and death certificate/service certificate/deceased certificate/certificate of gallantry award/disability certificate (whichever is applicable).

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